Матье Бефор Жён

Изящная пара угловых шкафов с инкрустацией маркетри в стиле Людовика XIV

Около 1870 года


A Fine Pair Of Louis XIV Style Gilt-Bronze Mounted And Boulle Marquetry Inlaid Corner Cabinets Depicting the Four Seasons, in the Manner Of Andre-Charles...


Высота: 106 см (42 дюйма)
Width: 98 cm (39 in)
Depth: 70 cm (28 in)
REF NO : B71656


A Fine Pair Of Louis XIV Style Gilt-Bronze Mounted And Boulle Marquetry Inlaid Corner Cabinets Depicting the Four Seasons, in the Manner Of Andre-Charles Boulle, by Béfort Jeune. Each cabinet has a gilt foliate banded black marble top over a pair of doors, each inlaid with arabesque scroll work and mounted with a gilt-bronze relief figure representing the seasons.


Около 1870 года


Boulle Marquetry and Marble Top


Stamped to the reverse of the bronze mounts 'BJ' and 'SS'.

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